Wednesday, July 2, 2008

one of the greatest talents

is the ability to fall asleep. I am the most stressed-out person! At the moment I have empty hours at work, and my head is aching with lack of sleep - but can I curl up on the couch and fall asleep? no. Though I would love to. There was this cameraman friend of mine, and he had mastered the art of sleeping anywhere - standing in a crowded bus, or on a pile of oddly-shaped rocks in a dry riverbed in the Chambal valley. He was lucky and happy indeed.

Here are the things that go wrong when I try to sleep:

i) I need to pee at ten-minute intervals after getting into bed, even though I may not have drunk huge quantities of water.

ii) I start thinking about how miserable everything is. Naturally, this doesn't help in falling asleep at all

iii) My girlfriend lies next to me, deep in peaceful sleep and this, for some strange reason, makes me start thinking she doesn't love me after all (the reason is not strange when I think about it: obviously my illogical mind expects her to share my misery and not sleep either) and this makes me even more tearful and miserable

iv) I also think about all the stuff I have to do the next day

So the solution is to STOP THINKING AND STOP PEEING. I'm trying. I'm trying.